PhD is a cultural historian who has authored numerous books and articles on the Vajrayāna Buddhist traditions of Tibet and the Himalayas, including his recently published "Tibetan Yoga: Principles and Practices".
He undertook prolonged meditation retreats in the wilderness of Nepal under the guidance of Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche, and currently serves as a board member of the International Society for Bhutan Studies in connection with the scientific investigation and evolution of yoga and meditation.
Why I Support "Sattva"?
“The historical Buddha repeatedly pointed out that his teachings were merely to reopen a primordial path to a state of being beyond the illusions fostered by ignorance, greed, and aggression. That state of intrinsic harmony is known in Sanskrit as “sattva”, a word connoting goodness and dynamic creativity. The work of the Sattvah Project promotes the harmonious exchange of ideas and collaborative projects in accord with the Buddha’s original vision of a world free of avoidable suffering and suffused with collective, sympathetic joy."